



squat, bench press, row



The good

    Questions and areas for improvement

    • Try to push hips back more and have the torso compensate by moving into a more acute angle?
    • Lock knees and hips at the top of each rep?

    Bench Press

    Informative video with good camera angles and info: Mark Rippetoe

    The good

      Questions and areas for improvement

      • As seen in the front facing vid, I don't bring the bar down symmetrically. The right side dips down first. Due to unequal grip width?
      • Look at the ceiling and past the bar when doing reps? Keep fixed on one point on the ceiling.
      • Where is the destination of the bar on my chest? Just above the xiphoid process?
      • Make sure to lock out elbows with the bar over shoulder sockets before moving the barbell back to the rack.

      Barbell Row

      The good

        Questions and areas for improvement

        • Upper part of torso/chest is going down when lowering the bar. Should I try to fight against that?
        • Use a wider grip so that my forearms are closer to straight at the top of the positive part of the exercise?